wrt - WRiting Tool, a static site/blog generator and related utilites
wrt init # Initialize a wrt repository
wrt display # Print HTML for entries
wrt feed # Print feeds for entries
wrt render-all # Render all defined entries to filesystem
wrt ls # List entries in repository
wrt config # Display current configuration
wrt repl # Get a debug REPL for current wrt repo
wrt addprop # Add a property to an entry
wrt findprop # Find entries containing certain properties
wrt version, -v # Print the installed version of wrt
wrt help, -h # Print this help message
wrt is a small collection of utilities for authoring a simple, date-based blog or other static site.
is a simple wrapper script which invokes other subcommands. It will pass its arguments along to any command of the form wrt-command
Detailed documentation can be found in the App::WRT man page or at
wrt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Brennen Bearnes <>