ht_render - tool to work with HTML::Template templates from the command line


ht_render --template=template.html --values=values.json --output=output.html [--config=config.json] 

# Render template tmpl.html with values from values.json into webpage.html
# You can use single-letter shortcuts as well as the full option names
ht_render -t tmpl.html -V values.json -o webpage.html

# Same as above, but configure the template object using values from 
# the config.json file
ht_render -t tmpl.html -V values.json -o webpage.html --config=config.json


App::HTRender is a tool for working with HTML::Template templates from the command line. It is designed to be useful during the development process to design templates and model the data to drive them, as well as a diagnostic tool to help troubleshoot problems with templates and/or the data used with them.



The path the template file. The template file is a normal HTML::Template file.


The path to the values file. The values file should describe a JSON object, which will be parsed into a Perl hash. The keys of the hash should correspond to variables in the template file.

The single letter shortcut for --values is -V to distinguish it from --version.


The path to the output file. The values will be substituted into the template and the resulting HTML will be written to this file.


An optional config file. Normally the HTML::Template object is created with a couple of options already set by default:

die_on_bad_params => 0
loop_context_vars => 1

These defaults may not match the application's needs, however, so you can specify a config file to override these HTML::Template config options or set your own. Like the values file, the config file should define a JSON object, which will be parsed into a Perl hash and passed to the HTML::Template object at creation time.

For example, if your template requires all of its values to use the HTML escaping scheme, and you wish to disable including other template files, you can specify a JSON object with requisite HTML::Template options:

	"default_escape" : "html",
	"no_includes": 1


Displays the application version.


Displays this help page.


HTML::Template, JSON::Tiny


Andrew Johnson, <lajandy at cpan dot org>


Copyright (C) 2014 by Andrew Johnson.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. See the included LICENSE file for details.


This software comes with no warranty of any kind.