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App::adminguide::cvs - Administration Guide for CVS


The following is a list of installation stories for installing CVS correctly.


  CVS Home Page
  Configuration of xinetd


I wanted to move a CVS installation from a server we were decommissioning to a new server, and I wanted to get two things right this time (which I had neglected the first time around).

  * cvspserver not running as root
  * cvs using a CVS passwd file, not /etc/passwd

Furthermore, the old installation was on Solaris 2.7 which used an inetd configuration. My new installation would by on RedHat Linux 9 (2.4.21 kernel).

CVS software installation

I checked the version of CVS installed on the system.

  cvs --version
  rpm -q cvs

and found I had version 1.11.2 installed. I checked the CVS home page, and it alerted me to a vulnerability in CVS if this were exposed to the internet (which I had some sense I might do).

So I had to install 1.11.16 or greater (1.11 series) or 1.12.8 or greater (1.12 series). The latest releases are 1.12.9 and 1.11.17. I decided to go with an rpm installation rather than a source-based installation. I decided to go with the 1.11 series, which says is the "stable" version rather than the 1.12 version which says is an incremental feature version.

  su -
  cd /root
  mkdir rpm
  cd rpm
  rpm --upgrade cvs-1.11.17-2.i386.rpm

But then "cvs --version" caused the following error.

  cvs: relocation error: cvs: undefined symbol: GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE

So I decided to go with the RPM from rather than from Fedora.

  rpm --upgrade cvs-1.11.17-1.i386.rpm

This gave me the following error.

  package cvs-1.11.17-2 (which is newer than cvs-1.11.17-1) is already installed

So I did

  rpm --upgrade --force cvs-1.11.17-1.i386.rpm

and that did the trick, as verified by

  rpm -q cvs
  cvs --version

If that had not worked, I would have compiled my own version from sources, but I would have to be sure to use ./configure --prefix=/usr so that the binaries would overwrite the installed binaries rather than creating another version in /usr/local.

Somewhere else I read that I need to set the setgid bit on the cvs binary.

  chmod 2755 /usr/bin/cvs

Users and Groups

We use NIS, so I verified that we have both the cvs user and group defined.

  ypcat passwd | grep cvs
  ypcat group | grep cvs

Otherwise, I would have verified that in the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files and created them if necessary.


I chose /usr/mycompany/cvs (where "mycompany" is replaced with a name for our company) for all CVS files (i.e. CVSROOT).

  cd /usr/mycompany
  mkdir cvs
  chown cvs cvs
  chgrp cvs cvs
  chmod 775 cvs
  chmod g+s cvs

We use Bash and Korn shell, so I added the following lines to "/etc/profile" so that the CVSROOT variable is available to all users.

  export CVSROOT

Then I ran the same commands in my current shell to set CVSROOT for the current session.

Initializing the CVS Repository

I initialized the CVS Repository (/usr/mycompany/cvs).

  su - cvs
  cvs init

Then I created the CVS password file.

  cd ~
  mkdir src
  cd src
  cvs co CVSROOT
  touch passwd
  cvs add passwd
  cvs update
  cvs commit -m "new" passwd

  vi checkoutlist
  # add "passwd" as the last line
  cvs commit -m "added passwd to list of CVSROOT files" checkoutlist

Then exit as the "cvs" user.


Installing cvspasswd and adding users

I got it from here.

But I put it in a distribution on CPAN called App-admin. So you can install it this way.

  perl -MCPAN -e "install App-admin"

In any case, make sure it is in your path (i.e. /usr/local/bin). Then add users.

  cvspasswd joe    joespw7
  cvspasswd mike   m1k31sgr3a7
  cvspasswd nellie whoa_

Configure xinetd

On Solaris, I just needed to add a line to /etc/inetd.conf which looked like this. (This configures "inetd", the internetworking daemon.)

  cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/cvs cvs --allow-root=/usr/mycompany/cvs pserver

However, on Linux I have to configure xinetd (an enhanced version of "inetd").

  cd /etc/xinetd.d
  vi cvs

I put the following in the file, with my server's actual IP address instead of "".

  service cvspserver
      disable         = no
      socket_type     = stream
      wait            = no
      user            = cvs
      group           = cvs
      log_type        = FILE /var/log/cvspserver
      protocol        = tcp
      env             = '$HOME=/usr/mycompany/cvs'
      bind            =
      log_on_failure += USERID
      port            = 2401
      server          = /usr/bin/cvs
      server_args     = -f --allow-root=/usr/mycompany/cvs pserver

Then I restart xinetd.

  pkill -HUP xinetd


Then I went to another server on the network.

  cd ~
  mkdir src
  cd src
  cvs -d :pserver:mike@cvshost:/usr/mycompany/cvs login
  cvs -d :pserver:mike@cvshost:/usr/mycompany/cvs co CVSROOT
  # it worked great, so I can remove it ...
  rm -rf CVSROOT

Moving the CVS data

I now had to move the data from my old CVS server.

  ssh oldcvshost
  su -
  cd /usr/mycompany/cvs
  find project1 project2 project3 -print | cpio -ocv | gzip > cvs.cpio.gz
  scp cvs.cpio.gz mike@cvshost:.
  ssh mike@cvshost
  su -
  cd /usr/mycompany/cvs
  mv ~mike/cvs.cpio.gz .
  gunzip < cvs.cpio.gz | cpio -idcuvm