# add a message to the work task queue
> qtask -q work --type=task "process /some/file/path"

# process an item in a task queue, exit status will determin if it is processed
# the queue message is passed to the exec command in quotes
# obviously there are security concerns around doing this, clean your inputs!
> qtask -q work --type=task --exec "/command/to/run"

# peek at work items in a task queue, --type=task is default for a peek
> qtask --peek --count=10 -q work

# add to queue from output of another process
# '-' says read from STDIN
some_script | qtask -q work -

# to get full help use
> qtask --help


Add am item to a queue or process an item from a queue

config file is in ~/.abq

  dsn: dbi:SQLite:/tmp/abq.sqlite

The queue entry holds information about the queue database that you want to connect to, this is obviously a perl DBI style connection