0.13   November 1, 2012
   Test::Exception added to prereqs.    

0.12   November 1, 2012

0.11   October 28, 2012
    I don't like how the old version (0.10) stringified to 0.1

0.10   October 28, 2012
    Default komi of 6.5
    Scorable has score & winner methods.

0.09   October 27, 2012
    reanimate/deanimate return values:
      - true if transanimation occurs, false otherwise.
    Change scorable->terr to not include dead stones of the other color.

0.08   October 22, 2012
    Delta captures tracking fixes.

0.07   October 20, 2012
    New delta class.
      - Has changes in turn & captures

0.06   October 17, 2012
    Dependencies fixed, misc minor changes

0.05   October 16, 2012
    Substantial improvements to basilisk::Rulemap
      - NodeSets, States, MoveAttempts, Results, & Scorables
      - Renamed after the cinderblock go server, in Games::Go:: namespace