v0.02    2008-03-17    Mike Peachey <zordrak@cpan.org>

    * lib/RT/User_Vendor.pm

        Bug #1 found on line 446. 

        CanonicalizeUserInfo was being called directly, instead of being 
        called on the $self user object.
        This was causing CanonicalizeUserInfo to shift the e-mail address 
        it was passed into the $self var instead of the $email var. It was
        therefore returning a blank e-mail address regardless of the input.

    * lib/RT/User_Vendor.pm

        Header comments altered to reflect that the file is part of the
        RT::Authen::ExternalAuth extension.

    * /lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm

        Version updated to 0.02

v0.01    2008-03-13    Mike Peachey <zordrak@cpan.org>

    * Initial Release