The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Revision history for Babble

          - Performance improvement [general]: cache generated grammar regexps.
          - Performance improvement [SubstituteAndReturn]: faster approach
            to finding contextual substitution/transliteration.
          - No change from 0.090007_03.

          - Add minimum dependency on PPR 0.001006 which fixes RT#144248.
            Revert the squashed regex compilation warning from
            Babble 0.090007_02.

          - Squash regex compilation warning that appears on perl >= v5.30.0,
            PPR >= 0.001000, <= 0.001005. See RT#144248.

          - Fix bug where positions transformed are not unique (GH#6). Fixes bug
            reported by Mark Fowler (2shortplanks++) at GH#1.
          - CoreSignatures: Do not output empty signature. Fixed by
            Diab Jerius (djerius++) at GH#2.
          - Ellipsis: new plugin for ... statement at GH#4.
          - Pass parent grammar from ::Match to ::SubMatch at GH#5.
          - SubstituteAndReturn: support implicit s///r on $_
            and chained s///r at GH#7, GH#8.
          - PackageBlock, PackageVersion: new plugins for extended
            package declaration syntax at GH#9, GH#10.
          - PostfixDeref: Add minimum dependency on PPR 0.001004 which updates
            definition of PerlTerm (GH#11) which fixes bug reported by
            Diab Jerius (djerius++) at GH#3. Thanks to Damian Conway on the fix.
          - PostfixDeref: Add support for postderef_qq interpolation, ->$#*,
            and consecutive arrowless subscripts at GH#12.
          - DefinedOr: Fix parentheses for transformation of //= due to
            precedence at GH#14.
          - PostfixDeref: change transform to dereference directly instead of
            using map at GH#13, GH#15.
          - Add documentation for plugins.
          - Escape unescaped { chars in regexps to avoid deprecation warnings
          - Work around regexp engine weirditude on 5.18+
          - Sigify anonymous as well as named subroutines
          - Add sigify plugin
          - Fix postderef to actually remove experimental lines
          - Add missing Module::Runtime dep
          - Remove spurious 'use Exporter ()'
          - Actually has a reasonable set of features now
          - Initial release to an unsuspecting world