Revision history for MozRepl
0.06 2007/07/04 15:26
* Fixed setup_log() process in
Available using instanciate log class.
0.05 2007/07/02 12:53
* Skip defined plugin method
0.04 2007/05/23 13:51
* Switch json generate process from to JSONstring
0.03 2007/05/23 00:13
* Fixed for cygwin.
* At test scripts, using binmode on telnet under cygwin.
* Translate newline to space on input string under cygwin. (Temporary fix.)
* Switch from Carp to Carp::Clan
0.02 2007/05/09 21:44
* Remove help() method from MozRepl::Plugin::Base
* Add correct pod to MozRepl::Plugin::Base
0.01 2007/05/01 11:06
* First version.