2018-05-22 1.00 - initial release
2018-05-22 1.01 - fix can package (remove trash files)
2018-05-22 1.02 - fix Kwalitee and packaging issues
2018-05-23 1.03 - fix fragments insertion, add Selector::Entry::pseudoElement and allow delete $node->{attr} to remove attribute.
2018-05-23 1.04 - add missing myhtml_tree_node_remove, extend Collection API
2018-05-27 1.05 - fix specificity calculation
2018-05-27 1.06 - fix tests passing on 32-bit machines
2018-05-27 1.07 - fix crash on OpenBSD (use semaphore instead of mutex)
2018-06-16 1.08 - fix char-ref parsing (myhtml bug), fix doctype serialization (myhtml bug), new api for DOCTYPE nodes, attrArray method.