$MODULE=Apache::ASP; $VERSION = 2.62; $DATE="2011/08/16"
- Fixed 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for AJAX POSTs post
Firefox 3.x
+ First sourceforge.net hosted version
+ Incremented version number to actually match SVN branch tag
+ Switched to Big-endian date format in the documentation.
Less chance of misunderstandings
$MODULE=Apache::ASP; $VERSION = 2.61; $DATE="05/24/2008"
Please see README for changes for past versions.
+ = improvement; - = bug fix; (d) = documentation
- updated for more recent mod_perl 2 environment to trigger correct loading of modules
+ loads modules in a backwards compatible way for older versions of mod_perl 1.99_07 to 1.99_09
+ license changes from GPL to Perl Artistic License