Revision history for Perl extension Perl6::Pod.
- Declarator blocks
- Formatting code: P<>, S<>, M<>, X<>
- Config: :margin, :formatted
0.51 12 May 2012
- fix scripts
0.50 11 May 2012
- reimplement Perl6::Pod
0.35 24 Oct 2011
- fix schemes for L<>
0.34 20 Oct 2011
- add -c, -M, -nb options for pod6xhtml
0.33 14 Jun 2011
- fix exclude
0.32 14 Jun 2011
- exclude rule for
- fix sorting for notes (<sup>)
0.31 24 May 2011
- fix context for parse_chank()
0.30 19 May 2011
- fix invoke start() for TO::XHTML
0.29 13 May 2011
- fix defn, R<>
0.28 25 Apr 2011
- track Pod filepath
0.27 17 Apr 2011
- S<>, D<>, R<>, K<>, T<>, D<>, Z<>
0.26_13 30 Mar 2011
- U<> code
0.26_12 26 Mar 2011
- fix
0.26_11 26 Mar 2011
- use para for content of =nested
- multi_paragraph for =para
- skip blocks _UPPER_CASE_BLOCKS_ when rendering
- implicit code blocks in =nested, =item, =defn blocks
0.26_10 15 Mar 2011
- lists (ordered, unordered, =defn, multi-paragraph,
:!numbered, :continued, levels for items)
0.26_9 15 Feb 2011
- =nested, :nested - nested
0.26_8 25 Jan 2011
- =alias, A<> - aliases
0.26_6 25 Dec 2010
- L<>: add support nested codes
0.26_6 29 Nov 2010
- add :allow context for childs formatting codes
0.26_5 28 Nov 2010
- fix N xhtml footer
- convert N to docbook
0.26_4 25 Nov 2010
- fix escaping
0.26_3 18 Nov 2010
+ reimplement allow (codeblock and C format code);
0.26_2 7 Nov 2010
+ implement N<> (to xhtml);
0.26_1 4 Nov 2010
+ fix parsing formatcodes from text;
+ clean deprecated code
+ fix test
0.25 29 Oct 2010
+ fix escape for code
+ fix E<>
0.24 17 Oct 2010
+ fix escaping
0.23 13 Oct 2010
+ implement E<> code
+ allow formatting codes in =code block
0.22 04 Sep 2010
+ implement X<> formatting code
+ fix cell content for =table
0.21 18 Aug 2010
+ implement C<> formatting code
0.20 15 Aug 2010
+ use standart tags( xhtml and docbook) for user input and output
0.19 14.08.2010
+ I/O blocks : =input, =output
0.18 27.05.2010
+ =use : handle class attributes, eval PERL6POD for included mods
+ M<>: The M<> formatting code is the inline equivalent of a named block.
+ mark semantic blocks as =head1 ( level 1)
0.17 25.04.2010
+ B<>, I<> formatting codes
+ export =code to docbook
0.16 11.04.2010
+ Perl6::Pod::Test - base class for tests
+ add utility mods
0.15 07.04.2010
+ handle :allow attribute
+ implement =table
+ implement :formatted
+ implement :like
+fix depends
+add souce filter for perl5 scripts
+fix docbook TERM
+ use utf8 for open
+ [fix] L<name|link>
+ fix tests
+ add L<> schemes and tests
+ add lists tests
+ fix format codes in lists
+ base support of formatting codes
+ pod6xhtml: add css option
+ imporove XHTML formatter
+ =code, =para blocks
+ =format block ( pass text to particular formatters: xhtml, xml, docbook)
+ =pod block ( supprt ordinary and verbatim paragrapths )
+ xhtml formatter
+ itemlists : ordered, unordered and definitions (without nesting)
in dokbook, xhtml
+ scripts/pod6xhtml - convert pod to xhtml
+ add tests
+ fix depends
+ add docbook formater
+ scripts/pod6docbook - convert pod to docbook
+ add test
+ support lists
+ generate id attribute
+ add levels of headers
+ pod6xml - utility fot convert Perl pod to XML
+ To::XML - add namespace for extra attrs
+ add To::Mem formatter for use in tests
+ implement M<> ( custom formatting codes)
+ implement =comment, =use, =config
+ paragraph text of block_data can be modifyed before parse FormattingCodes
( Perl6::Pod::Block::on_para)
+ fix package deps and tests
+ developer release of Perl6::Pod suite