Revision history for
0.22 - 2012-01-01 (working)
* added More.pod
* fixed pod error
* rewrote t/*t to verify the location of the error.
* fixed type conversion warnings
* fixed fallback code for making
0.21 - 2012-12-27
* fixed compile error on cygwin (can't handle pp-stmt in typemap?)
* fixed AUTOLOAD to keep $@
* mearged Highgui ...
* fixed cvError if CC=cc
* fixed cvError on OpenCV-1.1
* fixed some skipped tests (cygwin, OpenCv-1.1)
0.19a - 2012-12-12
* fixed t/4CvVideoWriter.t
0.19 - 2012-12-12
* fixed croak error location in AUTOLOAD relaying at first
* removed Cv::alias
* removed global data in Cv.xs
* rewrote cv::error to use Perl error handler $Cv::ERROR
* rewrote other callbacks
* separated Highgui
* s/:nomore/-more/
* fixed // op for perl-5.8.9
* rewrote CV_FOURCC
* MYEXTLIB is no longer needed
* fixed ContourArea's retval
0.18 - 2012-11-28
* fixed tools/
* fixed lib/Cv/Seq/*pm to clear stmt "no warnings"
* added some t/*t
* rewrote typemap again
* fixed croak error location in AUTOLOAD relaying
* added initializer for Cv::MatND::new
* fixed WarpAffine, WarpPerspective
* added m_get, Transform
0.17 - 2012-11-13
* fixed alias boundingRect
* fixed Affine retval
* rewrote ToArray
* fixed BoundingRect
* added fallback/
* added some sample/*pl
* rewrote typemap.
* removed xlib/
0.16 - 2012-11-1
* separating experimental code into Cv/
* added initializer for Cv::Mat::new in
* rewriting Nihongo.pod
* fixed Cv::Flipbook has memory leak
* added Cv/Flipbook-ja.pod, Cv/Pango-ja.pod
* added Cv/More-ja.pod
* fixed cvBoxPoints retval
* added Cv::More import & unimport
0.15 - 2012-10-01
* fixed cvFitLine()
* fixed stor(), and dst()
* rewrite Cv/ using tools/ and fallback/
* added cvGetBuildInformation()
0.14 - 2012-05-16
* use AutoLoader
* use EXPORT_* for importing
* added ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin as rebase
* fixed using dims of arr instead of dims of arg(idx)
* rewrite cvSeq(Push|Pop)*(), cv(Cvt|Get)Seq*()
* removed cvGetSeqElem_*(), CvSeqBlock
* rewrote cvMakeSeqHeaderForArray
* added Cv::ContourScanner and related functions
* replaced GetHistValue() with Ptr()
* replaced QueryHistValue() with GetReal()
* added cv::error() to make hook erros using eval (without CC=cc)
* rewrote cv(Set|Get)Err*(), cvRedirectError()
* removed cv(NulDev|StdErr|GuiBox)Report(), cvAlloc(), cvFree()
* fixed dst matrix in GetRows(), GetCols(), GetSubRect()
* fixed Cv/ flags, properties
* supported CvAttrList as perl hash; sample/
* (experimental) replaced some newSVpvn() with readonly SV
* cvPtr*D(), cvGetRawData(), etc
0.12 - 2011-10-22
* added cvMatchTemplate
* added cvDecodeImage, cvEncodeImage
* added cvPtr*D (experimental)
* replaced cvGet[1-3]D with cvGetND.
* also replaced cv(GetReal|Set|SetReal|Ptr)[1-3]D with cv${1}ND.
* calling videowriter without CV_FOURCC
* added some tips
* fixed $$.c exit-code in Cv/
* fixed cvInitMatHeader's step in cvDecodeImage* when CC=cc
0.11 - 2011-10-11
* split to Cv-*.inc
* $img->new inherit ommited parameters
* added Cv/
* added Cv/
* added Cv/Seq/
* added sample/, sample/
* added sample/, sample/
* added readByName, chamerMatching
* fixed amd64; int to IV
* tested OpenCV 2.3.1
0.10 - 2011-08-30
* fixed tersters report 0.09
- Can't locate ExtUtils/ in @INC
0.09 - 2011-08-25
* fixed tersters report 0.08
- Can't locate Cv/ in @INC
0.07 - 2011-08-17
* tested OpenCV 2.2.0 and 2.3.0
* decided to remove keyword parameter.
* The argument was along reference manual C in the OpenCV documentation.
* Added the configuration to use Inline C.
* added some sample scripts
- sample/
- sample/
- sample/
- sample/
- sample/
- sample/
- sample/
- sample/
- sample/
- sample/
- sample/
* added modules
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/MatND/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/SparseMat/
* deleted modules
- lib/Cv/Arr/
- lib/Cv/Arr/
- lib/Cv/Arr/
- lib/Cv/Arr/
- lib/Cv/Arr/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/Seq/
- lib/Cv/Subdiv2D/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/
0.04 - 2010-05-30
* support for i386-freebsd 8.0-release
0.03 - 2010-05-08
* tested OpenCV 1.0.0 and 2.1.0
* added README.cygwin+opencv2xx
* added some sample scripts
* added
- lib/Cv/Arr/
- lib/Cv/Arr/
- lib/Cv/Arr/
- lib/Cv/Arr/
- lib/Cv/Arr/
- lib/Cv/Subdiv2D
- lib/Cv/
- lib/Cv/Subdiv2D/
- lib/Cv/
0.02 - 2010-03-31
* Initial release