Revision history for perl distribution CellBIS-SQL-Abstract

1.0       2018-08-17 00:21:04+08:00 Asia/Makassar
          Fixed part of query generator to support SQL datetime format

0.9       2018-08-15 19:44:03+08:00 Asia/Makassar
          Update unit testing - select-join.t & select.t
          - add testing for ASC (ascending) || DESC (descending)
          - add testing for LIMIT without "orderby"
          - add testing for LIMIT without "order" and "orderby"

0.8       2018-07-20 05:54:31+08:00 Asia/Makassar
          To support create table SQLite

0.7       2018-07-15 21:09:29+08:00 Asia/Makassar
          - Fixes POD

0.6       2018-07-15 18:42:25+08:00 Asia/Makassar
          - Added method create_table
          - Fixes bugs query
          - Fixes Documentation
          - Update

0.5       2018-07-07 10:05:29+08:00 Asia/Makassar
 - Remove "say" on subroutine "select"

0.4       2018-07-07 09:13:36+08:00 Asia/Makassar
          Fixes bugs on "select" method and update "02-select.t"

0.3       2018-07-06 10:29:32+08:00 Asia/Makassar
          - Fixes bug dependency

0.2       2018-07-06 08:28:04+08:00 Asia/Makassar
          - Fixes bugs for Perl 5.10.1
          - Add unit test file for "select-join", "insert", "update" and "delete"

0.1       2018-07-05 22:09:15+08:00 Asia/Makassar
          First Release CellBIS::SQL::Abstract