Revision history for Find-Lib

0.06    Thu May  8 22:30:00 PDT 2009
        - Still working on the test suite (I wish I could use cpantesters
        without making a release)

0.05    Thu May  7 19:52:00 PDT 2009
        - Minor fixes attempt for the test suite (CPANTESTERS)

0.04    Mon May  5 21:05:00 PDT 2009
        - Fixed the test suite for a warning that generates tons of FAIL report

0.03    Mon May  5 14:05:00 PDT 2009
        - Uses $ENV{PWD} to allow more DWIM, compared to the previous method
          that used resolved paths all over the place.
          Teamed up with Jonathan Steinert (hachi) for this idea.

0.02    Sat Dec  8 11:16:09 PDT 2007
        - POD fixes
        - Changed tests suite to make it compatible with perl 5.005

0.01    Fri Dec  7 19:30:31 PDT 2007
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.