Revision history for Perl module Games::PerlWar

    * Added Test::Signature test
    * Added git repository URL to CONTACT section of G::PW.

0.02 - Oct 22, 2006
    * Huge refactoring. The Array, each cell/agent and the
        agent execution have all been pushed to their own 
    * Web interface is now pure XPathScript. No more need
        for Embperl.
    * Introduction of the PerlWar shell.
    * Added the long-promised ownership variables
    * New blitzkrieg game variant.
    * New type of player registration (ad-hoc)
    * And a truckload more!

0.01_01 - Jan 28, 2006
    * interim version

0.01 - Oct 16, 2005
    * Original version