Revision history for Error-Base
v0.1.4 2011-11-19 16:10:47
- Resolve issue with optional tests loading Test::Trap.
v0.1.3 2011-11-18 18:19:00
- Enforce strictures and warnings in _late() string eval.
- Test internal error conditions.
v0.1.2 2011-11-18 14:27:10
- Minor POD fixes.
- Correct use-line.
v0.1.1 2011-11-05 10:37:02
- New Error::Base::Cookbook (with integration tests).
- Massive POD rewrite.
- Allow late interpolation of $self (by that name).
v0.1.0 2011-11-04 23:04:40
- Add late interpolation feature.
- Change process of error message composition. ( -base, -type, -pronto )
- Massive POD rewrite.
v0.0.4 2011-10-30 04:40:00
- use version 0.77; per POD.
- Use leading 'v' per "strong recommendation".
- Skip crank() test, probably unnecessary anyway.
0.0.3 2011-10-28 17:28:11
- Localize warn handler in t/140-crank.t.
0.0.2 2011-10-27 12:54:34
- Documentation changes only.
0.0.1 2011-10-26 19:09:46
- Initial release.
- Implement all major features.
- Test coverage: > 95%
0.0.0 2011-10-23 04:10:24
- Launch project.