Revision history for Perl extension WWW::Hotmail.

0.06 Wed Aug 18 10:31:46 2004
	- removed a debug print
0.05 Mon Aug 16 14:46:42 2004
	- fixed the delete method
	- added prereq for Mail::Internet even though Mail::Audit
		does this already!

0.04 Sun Aug 15 10:35:21 2004
	- fixed warning when deleting messages

0.03 Sun Aug 15 09:51:44 2004
	- turns out M$ encodes & into & too - fixed

0.02 Sun Aug 15 08:48:32 2004
	- with permission from Scott, I've taken ownership of
		this module - David Davis
	- fixed everything (hotmail changed somewhat)
	- added support for the suite of domains hotmail controls
	- messages are now converted correctly
	- set noexit(1) flag on Mail::Audit object before it
		is returned with retrieve()
	- removed SIGNATURE until I can install PGP

0.01 Wed Jan  8 16:01:52 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-b 5.6.0 -AX -n WWW::Hotmail