Revision history for POE::Component::EasyDBI.

0.08 Mon Nov 15 10:14:00 2004
	- added func and method to subprocess
	- fixed the variables that were suppose to be passed to the subprocess
	- added documentation for func
	- fixed a shutdown bug
	- fixed insert not working correctly
	- added anon subs and postback ablitiy to event param
	- fixed bug where a statement handle would hang around in db_insert
	- added insert key to insert function, it can be an array ref of hashes
		or a hash
	- added no_cache option
	- moved docs around and improved them
	- added extra tests if DBD::AnyData is installed

0.07 Tue Oct 19 15:39:00 2004
	- added signal ignores for INT HUP TERM into subprocess
		now a ctrl-c (int) can be handled correctly by a script
		using easydbi

0.06 Tue Oct 19 11:05:00 2004
	- fixed typo of connect_error event
	- added connected parameter
	- added an oracle error check to subprocess

0.05 Tue Oct 19 00:25:00 2004
	- added create method, it just calls new
	- added insert query type
	- bumped up the DBI required version to 1.38
		because of the last_insert_id use for inserts
	- added better reconnect handling
	- added several options for reconnecting
	- objectized the subprocess, it's more efficient

0.04 Thu Sep 23 11:25:00 2004
	- added ability to specify session id

0.03 Mon Jan 02 10:07:00 2004
	- 'bout time I fixed that bug that came from using SimpleDBI as my base :)

0.02 Mon Nov 24 12:00:00 2003
	- Fixed docs, README and Changes

0.01 Mon Nov 24 10:40:00 2003
	- First work based off SimpleDBI, but with easier to more data structures
	and query chunks, and documented each query type