0.84 (September 3, 2004)
Default behavior now for Text Datum objects is to trim
Established minimum version dependency for XML::Dumper
Put escaping of HTML entities in proper order for text-type
inputs in Apache::Wyrd::Input
Added hook methods to Datum Objects to allow translation of data
from data store to browser and vice versa
Abstracted template creation for Input Wyrds
Fixed broken "rounding" value on Number Wyrds
Wyrds with attributes of value "0" to be interpreted
mathmatically rather than as undef
Wyrds with attributes containing $, %, or @ longer interpret
these as special variables under some conditions
Documentation changes and code cleanup
0.83 (August 19, 2004)
New Wyrds: Automatic graphical charts from Query Wyrds
(Apache::Wyrd::Chart) English-language Numbers
(Apache::Wyrd::Number), File-size (Apache::Wyrd::FileSize), CGI
dump (Apache::Wyrd::ShowParams)
Documentation Changes
Null-byte string termination in DB file bug in
Apache::Wyrd::Services::Key/Auth/LoginServer fix
Better handling of self_path function in Apache::Wyrd::Handler
Apache::Wyrd::Services::FileCache object less strict for
non-existent files
Multiple queries in Apache::Wyrd::Lookup object (primarily to
overcome sub-select limitations on some DBAs)
More functions for Apache::Wyrd::Services::SAK
0.82 (March 25, 2004)
Documentation changes
Fix in Apache::Wyrd::Services::Index for failed tests in libdb4+
w/ perl 5.8+
0.81 (March 18, 2004)
Documentation/testing changes, March 18, 2004
0.8 (March 17, 2004)
First public beta