Revision history for Perl extension CGI::Application::Dispatch.
- Added cache of REQUEST_URI -> dispatch mapping (Mark Stosberg, Michael Peters)
- fixed local args_to_new overrides (Mark Stosberg)
- added support for debug flag to dispatch() (Mark Stosberg)
- Added optional-variable tokens to dispatch tables
- added more docs and examples for dispatch tables
- Initial rewrite of new API and new dispatch table
1.04 (Jun. 27, 2005)
- Small changes to correspond to official mod_perl 2.0 release
and API change (see
1.03 (Mar. 4, 2005)
- 100% test coverage
1.02 (Jan. 20, 2005)
- Added mod_perl 2 support
- Added TABLE dispatch option
- fixed bug with a PATH_INFO value of '/'
- fixed bug where DEFAULT doesn't have an initial '/'
- fixed testing issues when Apache::TestMB is not installed [Cees Hek]
- fixed security whole with reqard to untainting module names [Cees Hek]
- minor documentation improvements
1.01 (Jan. 8, 2005)
- moved dependancy on perl 5.8.x to 5.6.x since method attributes were include
- added Apache::Test as a build dependancy
1.0 (Jan. 6, 2005)
- fixed bug which prevented overriding of certain methods
- upped required perl version to 5.8.0 because of method attributes
- added CGIAPP_DISPATCH_DEFAULT option to specify default PATH_INFO value
- added CGIAPP_DISPATCH_PATH which gets passed to new()'s PARAMS for use
by the application module
- any parameters passed into dispatch() are then passed into the
application's new()
- added Apache::Test tests to the test suite
0.03 (Oct. 29, 2004)
- missing files from MANIFEST
- minor optimizations
0.02 (Oct. 19, 2004)
- find and fix document mistakes
- add aliases to options (PREFIX and RM) for dispatch()
- improved test
- mention security concern with not using PREFIX
0.01 (Sep. 12, 2004)
- First version