Revision history for Perl extension Zabbix-Tiny

1.02 2016-02-06T23:19:10Z
	- Updated perldoc

	- minor typo fixes (in pod)

    - Added method 'verify_hostname' to skip ssl validation to https
      servers. This is useful when using self signed certificates, etc.

    - New method 'post_response' is an object of  the entire the LWP
      HTTP::Response.  This is very verbose, but useful for issues debugging
      the actual connection to the zabbix server.  This is what
      'last_response' was in previous versions.

    - Method 'last_response' is no longer the entire HTTP::Response, but is
      instead a hash ref of the response content.  This is the entire
      JSON-RPC message from the zabbix server, including the json, auth, and
      id headers. This may be useful for debugging, but the purpose of this
      module is to remove the need to handle this information.

    - New method 'json_request' returns a string of the json data sent to
      zabbix server in the most recent request.  Useful for debugging the
      data sent to zabbix.

    - New method 'json_response' returns a string of the json data received
      from the zabbix server in the most resent response.  Useful for
      debugging the data received from zabbix.

1.01 2016-01-28T04:47:02Z
    - Added files to cpanfile

1.00 2016-01-28T03:33:10Z

    - original version