Revision history for Games-SGF
0.01 3/18/2008
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
0.02 3/19/2008
Added t/copy.t and fixed some bugs which it exposed
Removed t/boilerplate.t
Added t/addon.t and fixed some bugs which it exposed
0.03 3/19/2008
Added t/ For common test subs
Rewrote t/copy.t and t/addon.t in order to use t/
Fixed bug in _isSpaceRemovable, where it did not give $self
to _getTagType
Fixed handling of spaces in _read
Removed random _debug statements
Added Games::SGF::Go
Moved $errstr and $DEBUG to be encapsulated as {'errstr'} and {'debug'}
Added t/go_test.t and t/sgf/go-1.sgf which it uses
Added err method to
FIXED empty tag handling.
UPDATED the docs for the callbacks
Added Pass move handling to