Revision history for Finance-Tax-Aruba
0.005 2023-01-08 05:12:22Z
* Add 2023 year support
* Add support for fringe and non-fringe benefits
* Refactor tests to make them easier
0.004 2022-06-13 16:12:59Z
* Add 2022 year support (nothing changed compared to 2021)
* Bump Moose/Moose::Role version to 2.2013 (CPANTESTERS)
0.003 2021-02-16 15:12:19Z
* Update POD for bin/
* Update POD for xtests
* Calculate based on yearly figures in bin/
* Small bug fixes
* Add tax-free option in bin/
* AZV/OAV/AWW cannot be divided by the months unlike income tax
* Update income taxes for 2021
0.002 2020-06-20 13:04:22Z
* Add pension support for 2020
* Fix typo in abstract (SHLOMIF)
* Remove unneeded test deps
0.001 2020-06-14 01:03:32Z
* Initial alpha release