Revision history for ZConf-Bookmarks
0.2.4 2009-10-18/15:20
-Misc fixes to 'modBookmark'.
0.2.3 2009-10-18/03:30
-Misc fixes to 'delBookmark'.
0.2.2 2009-10-18/03:15
-Correct 'delBookmark' not saving after the change.
-Misc warning cleanups.
0.2.1 2009-10-17/15:50
-Correct how 'addBookmark' calls 'bookmarkExists'.
-All schemes are now coverted to lowercase.
0.2.0 2009-10-17/01:00
-Add the method 'getBookmark'.
-Massive number of bug fixes in regards to interfacing with ZConf.
0.1.0 2009-02-23/01:30
-Add 'listSets', 'getSet', and 'readSet'.
-Now defaults to autoinit being on.
0.0.0 2009-01-26/08:00
-Initial release.