Revision history for Shell-Var-Reader

0.10.0   2024-09-19/14:00
		 - add --no_toml

0.9.0   2024-02-21/14:30
		 - cmdb_shell_var_reader can now take specified groups or systems to regen

0.8.2   2024-01-26/09:30
		 - \- in the found keys are replaced with \_\_

0.8.1   2024-01-14/18:00
		 - Remove a requirement for a no longer used requirement.

0.8.0   2024-01-09/22:45
		 - sort system groups and systems for cmdb_shell_var_reader

0.7.2   2024-01-09/14:00
		 - fix TOML capitalization for toml to TOML for default CMDB type so it will actually invoke it

0.7.1	 2023-12-27/11:30
		 - Fix cmdb_shell_var_reader POD.

0.7.0	 2023-12-26/13:00
		 - Now use TOML::Tiny.
		 - Remove the init stuff.
		 - Add support for other CMDB types besides TOML.
		 - cmdb_shell_var_reader will not tryt o autofind the dir based off of the .shell_var_reader file.

0.6.0	 2023-11-15/15:45
		 - Add multiout to shell_var_reader.

0.5.2	 2023-10-17/16:15
		 - Fix the name of the generated toml file so it no longer ends in .yaml

0.5.1	 2023-10-13/23:45
		 - munger now has the path properly called
		 - add --help and --version to cmdb_shell_var_reader

0.5.0	 2023-10-22/21:00
		 - Add cmdb_shell_var_reader
		 - Improve documentation.
		 - The TOML CMDB now supports rex enviroment. Uses 'SYSTEM_ENV' for that.

0.4.0	 2023-07-25/11:15
		 - Add -m for munging support.

0.3.2	 2023-07-10/11:30
		 - Fix flattening for shell output.
		 - Rework being quiet for Perl on some Linux systems when it comes to Rex.

0.3.1	 2023-07-23/16:00
		 - Flatten hashes/arrays for shell output.

0.3.0	 2023-07-23/14:30
		 - Add support for including data via Rex::CMDB::TOML.
		 - Fix merging of includes so it is actually stuff is merged in in the order it is read in.

0.2.0	 2023-06-21/15:45
		 - Add -i arg for including JSON, YAML, or TOML in the produced JSON, YAML, or TOML

0.1.0	 2022-11-08/09:15
		 -Add shell output.
		 -Now set the perl path for the script.

0.0.1	 2022-10-03/16:00
		 -Initial release.