0.016     2018-02-02
          Documentation translated in English

0.015     2017-09-19
          list_multipart_uploads now returns initiated date in epoch format as well, and initiation age in seconds

0.014     2016-07-28
          Methods to list and delete multipart uploads

0.013     2016-06-19
          Content-type support

0.012     2016-06-19
          Workaround. For zero-size object CEPH does not return Content-Lenth header at all.

0.011     2016-06-19
          Workaround for http://lists.ceph.com/pipermail/ceph-users-ceph.com/2016-June/010704.html
          implemented. Now it make at least 2 requests during downloads.

0.010     2016-06-19
          FileShadow implemented

0.004     2016-06-17
          download_to_file now truncates file

0.003     2016-06-16
          query_string_authentication_uri implemented

0.002     2016-06-15
          Initial release