Revision history for MS
0.204001 2019-09-20
Yet another attempt to address versioning inconsistency
0.204 2019-09-20
Un-fix versioning regression issue -- use same version for all modules
0.008002 2019-09-20
Fix inconsistent versioning between modules
Fix missing return value in MS::Reader::MzXML
0.008001 2019-09-20
Fixed missing List::MoreUtils dependency in Build.PL
0.008 2019-09-18
Fixed incomplete parsing of MzIdentML SequenceCollection children
Full POD coverage, added pod-coverage.t
0.007 2019-09-18
Numerous minor tweaks and fixes
Increased test coverage
0.006 2019-07-09
Add 'include_isoforms' option to MS::Search::DB::Source::uniprot
0.005 2019-01-09
MS::Protein now a subclass of MS::Peptide
Use range() to subset peptides while preserving modifications
Additional tests
0.004 2017-05-11
Many updates, feature additions, and bug fixes
0.001 2016-04-06
Initial import - alpha stage