Revision history for BioX-Seq
0.007001 2019-01-10
Skip advanced compression tests if binaries are missing
0.007 2018-12-28
Added support for streaming zstd-compressed files
0.006007 2018-06-19
Removed CPAN::Uploader as hard dependency
0.006006 2018-05-18
Misc documentation fixes
0.006005 2018-01-12
Fixed bug in ORF regex from Util module
0.006004 2017-11-05
Fixed memory leak caused by unnecessary binmode() and repeated
0.006003 2017-07-04
Remove index file if failure during write
0.006 2017-04-21
Major documentation updates
Fixed bug in build_ORF_regex() causing problems after multiple calls
with different arguments
Increased coverage of testing suite
Increased coverage of POD
0.005 2017-04-20
Auto-indexing of FASTA files for BioX::Seq::Fetch
0.004 2016-11-18
Fixed handling of cross-platform line endings
0.001 2016-03-31
Initial release