Revision history for CPANPLUS-Dist-Slackware
1.010 2012-08-23 03:12:31 CEST
- Use three digit version numbers. Use the same version number everywhere.
- The Padre plugin creates a file that runs update-desktop-database
and gtk-update-icon-cache.
- The YAML::Syck plugin is no longer needed.
- Use CPAN mail address as contact address.
1.00 2012-02-13 09:48:12 CET
- List required packages instead of module names in README.SLACKWARE.
- Update the YAML::LibYAML plugin. Add YAML::Syck plugin. Fix errors that
occur when these modules are built with the GCC compiler flag
- Add Convert::BinHex plugin, which fixes a bug in the module's test suite.
- Add Net::Pcap plugin, which fixes the module's Makefile.PL.
0.05 2012-02-01 19:31:33 CET
- Document the plugin interface.
- Add Padre plugin, which installs a desktop entry and an icon for Padre.
- Add Mail::SpamAssassin plugin, which installs an init script and additional
- Don't prepend "perl-" to module names like "perl-ldap" that already start
with "perl-".
0.04 2012-01-24 07:25:41 CET
- Add plugins, which may be used to fix quirks or customize packages.
- Make sure that makepkg can access the staging directory if fakeroot is not
0.03 2012-01-18 14:51:26 CET
- Make sure that the staging directory's parent directory exists.
0.02 2012-01-18 11:13:00 CET
- Warn if files are installed in non-standard directories.
- Unless --keepsource is given, the staging directory is removed after a
package has been built successfully.
- Link to instead of /module.
- Mention cpan2tgz, which I wasn't aware of.
0.01 2012-01-12 18:58:56 CET
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.