Changes for DBD::JDBC.

June 2000
        Version 0.63

        Changed required version of DBI to 1.13 in order to have
        access to the SQL_BIT constant (used to specify boolean
        method parameters for func).

        Added $h->func implementations for $dbh and $sth
        objects. This implementation passes the method name and
        parameters to the Java server. The server uses reflection
        to call the requested method. The current implementation
        only supports a limited set of types for parameters and
        return values. Most object types are not supported.

        Allow the driver to close Statement objects when
        $sth->DESTROY is called.

        Fixed, or at least altered, the behavior of the driver
        when the JDBC driver doesn't provide a SQLSTATE value
        in a SQLException. Previously, this problem caused DBI to

        Reset the value of the jdbc_error attribute before
        setting a new error.

May 2000
        Version 0.62.

        Changed required version of Convert::BER to 1.31 and
        removed Convert::BER 1.265 from the driver distribution.

        Changed connect implementation to delay creation of $dbh
        until server connection has succeeded. This allows
        checking of $DBI::{err,errstr,state} in a separate
        statement after the call to connect.

January 2000
        Added ability to create a single Server with a
        pre-existing Java connection within a Java
        application. See the example in the example directory. 

        Added $! to socket error reporting; why'd I leave that

October 1999
        Initial version.