Revision history for Perl extension App-Greple-xlate

0.9906 2025-02-28T13:05:13Z

    - add paused container handling
    - remove -S option

0.9905 2025-01-14T12:38:56Z

    - fix bug of script/xlate
    - introduce App::Greple::xlate::Text
    - add optex setup in Docker image
    - deprecate xlate -A option

0.9904 2025-01-10T07:26:52Z

    - update script/xlate options
      * -f -> -b : base language
      * -z -> -f : pattern file

0.9903 2025-01-10T05:39:50Z

    - always create result file including engine name
    - update script/xlate
      * add -z option to specify pattern file
      * introduce -L option to manage live container
      * -f option set --xlate-from option

0.9902 2025-01-01T02:24:46Z

    - execute "docker run" with "--init" option
    - update xlate options
      * make -G option as default and remove from usage
      * add -W option to mount current directory

0.9901 2024-11-23T13:19:05Z

    - update "xlate" command options
      * rename -Q -> -K
      * rename -K -> -L
      * create -S

0.99 2024-11-22T15:36:57Z

    - rename xlate options: -L -> -A | -X -> -Q

0.45 2024-11-22T02:14:44Z

    - introduce -L and -K/-X option in xlate script
    - install "yq" in docker

0.44 2024-11-01T08:14:59Z

    - run docker with --tty option when stdin is terminal
    - -H option set HOME to the mount point

0.43 2024-10-31T09:51:34Z

    - install "llm" in Docker image
    - inherit "-u" option to MAKE environment
    - introduce "xlate -H" option to mount the home directory

0.42 2024-10-24T15:44:24Z

    - introduce "xlate -U" option
    - add AI generated manual for "xlate"

0.4101 2024-10-10T08:17:43Z

    - duplication in unmasking process can happen

0.41 2024-10-10T06:34:16Z

    - introduce xlate -x option

0.40 2024-10-09T11:03:07Z

    - introduce --xlate-mask

0.39 2024-10-08T07:10:21Z

    - introduce --xlate-stripe option

0.38 2024-10-05T07:45:54Z

    - maintain cache data in ordered list format rather than hash
    - introduce --xlate-update option to force update cache data
    - undocument --cache-clear option (use --xlate-cache=clear)

0.37 2024-10-04T06:39:51Z

    - introduce --xlate-format colon parameter

0.36 2024-09-29T04:03:54Z

    - update pod translation area to include line start with punct char

0.35 2024-09-26T15:30:33Z

    - introduce output format "space+"

0.3401 2024-09-20T03:49:59Z

    - update gpt4o module
    - include documents translated by gpt4o

0.34 2024-09-02T13:24:56Z

    - introduce gpt4o engine

0.33 2024-08-22T01:38:55Z

    - introduce experimental data masking capability

0.3202 2024-08-13T12:24:41Z

    - fix a bug of --xlate-labor option not to work

0.3201 2024-08-09T23:44:53Z

    - requires perl v5.18.2

0.32 2024-08-09T09:17:36Z

    - introduce different patterns for normalized and non-normalized text

0.3101 2024-03-21T03:43:52Z

    - fix bug in xlate.el
    - include sdif output in README

0.31 2024-03-01T10:33:50Z

    - introduce --prompt option
    - implement EN -> EN-US alias in xlate.el

0.30 2024-02-12T07:19:06Z

    - ad hoc support for ChatGPT-4

0.29 2024-01-22T04:34:48Z

    - produce files without engine-name when single engine used

0.28 2023-11-10T06:32:41Z

    - update cache management strategy
    - make -t option and XLATE_LANG required
    - make -n works for normal execution
    - make .stxt file for .docx and such
    - do not process -G option on docker
    - add xlate -v option
    - add --xlate-debug option

0.27 2023-11-07T15:57:53Z

    - use monotone colormap
    - add Minilla release.hooks

0.26 2023-11-07T10:22:47Z

    - support ChatGPT-3.5 (gpt3) translation engine

0.25 2023-06-28T04:04:11Z

    - new docker image release

0.24 2023-06-13T10:41:41Z

    - update xlate.el

0.23 2023-03-29T02:43:35Z

    - use .stxt suffix for temporary file

0.22 2023-03-28T05:44:04Z

    - update JSON cache file format
    - create temporary text file to process MS document

0.21 2023-03-25T04:12:11Z

    - introduce xlate -l option
    - update xlate.el to complete language list

0.20 2023-03-23T05:55:33Z

    - pass -t and -o parameters to make

0.19 2023-03-22T12:40:45Z

    - update xlate.el
    - change --match-entire to --match-all
    - set default format as "xtxt" and "cm"
    - set DISPLAY only when DISPLAY is set
    - require 'Clipboard' module on demand

0.18 2023-03-19T11:20:45Z

    - introduce -R option
    - make debug message concise

0.17 2023-03-14T10:06:34Z

    - fix to use -o option instead of -x

0.16 2023-03-14T09:47:33Z

    - update examples/data_shishin.docx to the latest version
    - change workdir to /work
    - introduce -C and -B option
    - introduce -G option

0.15 2023-03-13T09:25:51Z

    - xlate includes container version
    - container includes standard tools and configuration

0.14 2023-03-13T01:58:23Z

    - release "xlate" command as a front-end cli tool
    - implement automatic make mechanism
    - implement companion Docker container (tecolicom/xlate)

0.13 2023-03-10T04:38:06Z

    - set STDERR to utf8 to avoid error in docker

0.12 2023-03-08T07:33:57Z

    - introduce --xlate-maxlen option
    - update examples

0.11 2023-03-06T05:14:31Z

    - make alias 'cm' for 'conflict'
    - introduce --xlate-format='xtxt' instead of 'none'
    - make 'examples' directory

0.10 2023-03-01T02:31:09Z

    - rename --refresh to --cache-clear
    - fix bug about max length

0.09 2023-02-27T09:47:19Z

    - introduce --xlate-labor option
    - introduce --refresh option
    - make docs directory and multilingual READMEs

0.08 2023-02-21T14:30:17Z

    - introduce docs/ directory

0.07 2023-02-11T07:13:01Z

    - update --xlate-fold optin to perform translation by itself

0.06 2023-02-08T05:58:20Z

    - fix --xlate-format=ifdef bug

0.05 2023-02-06T10:08:10Z

    - some minor improvements

0.04 2023-02-03T01:07:48Z

    - re-implement cache update strategy
      now call `deepl' command just once for translation
    - use --callback interface
    - --xlate calls --xlate-color with --color=never option

0.03 2023-02-02T05:00:57Z

    - implement --xlate-batch-update option

0.02 2023-01-31T12:39:26Z

    - convert all \s+ to single space for normalization

0.01 2023-01-29T15:04:13Z

    - original version