Revision history for CGI-Application-Plugin-DBIProfile

0.04    2007-09-27
        Added Graph::SVGTT plugin.
        Added Graph::GDGraphInline plugin.
        Added catch for non-html docs, so we don't run then.
        BUGFIX: for devpopup support (typo in sub reference name).

0.03    2007-09-26
        Made graphing a plugin, and wrote custom (simple) HTML graph plugin.
        First CPAN release.

0.02    2007-09-26
        Alpha of rewrite by Joshua Miller.
        Uses new DBI::Profile driver that uses IO::Scalar for storage.
        Graphs are inline html (using HTML::BarGraph, which is broken).

0.01    2005-06-06
        First version by Sam Tregar.