Revision history for WWW-Facebook-API

0.3.0  Sun Jun  3 01:16:18 PDT 2007
	*** API changes ***
	JSON::Any is used by default, and parse is on by default, so
	  a Perl data structure will be returned
	The JSON or XML response is still returned if parse is set to 0
	Removed the (now unneeded) parse variables.
	Removed API::Base, API::Simple, API::Errors
	Removed and moved its login method to
	Changed get_add_url and get_login_url to take in a hash. Those, along
	  with auth->login now use the _add_url_params method.
	Added some API tests
	Updated examples/facebook-{desktop,web}-json to reflect new API
	Added examples/facebook-{desktop,web}-raw to show XML output on calls
	Removed examples/facebook-{desktop,web}-xml
	Updated examples/facebook-canvas-xml and renamed to facebook-canvas-json
	Fixed bug in get_session parsing
	Fixed POD errors in
	Tests: updated t/auth.t and and t/00.load.t; removed t/api_simple.t

Branch Sat Jun  2 01:40:44 PDT 2007
	simple is now the default. { NoAttr => 1, SuppressEmpty => 1}
	  is default parse_params for XML
	Updated docs
	Updated examples
	Updated and to account for simple change
	Removed now defunct WWW::Facebook::API::Simple
	Applied David Leadbeater's patch
	  fixes generat_sig and verify_sig in
	  adds get_facebook_url, get_add_url, get_login_url, get_app_url
	  added canvas example

0.2.3  Sat Jun  2 01:59:54 PDT 2007
	Add XML::Simple dependency until streamline is complete

0.2.2  Sat Jun  2 01:24:19 PDT 2007
	Added method to Base (and paramter to API->new) to configure options
	  passed to XML or JSON parser (if used): parse_params
	Added generate_sig, verify_sig, session, unescape_string to
	Added is_app_added to
	Perltidy'd examples, and fixed xml parsing dereferencing that was
	  broken in HEAD
	Fixed parse_params bug (thanks Patrick)
	Applied patch for Canvas class (thanks David Leadbeater)
	Changed Canvas methods a bit (semantics the same)
	parse_response is now set to 1 as the default.

0.2.1  Fri Jun  1 02:55:17 PDT 2007
	Removed OSX-specific code in (shouldn't cause any major
	  damage, but annoying nonetheless)

0.2.0  Fri Jun  1 02:55:17 PDT 2007
	Updated docs to match current usage
	Removed Moose and XML::Simple dependency
	fixed last_call_success method being called on wrong object
	Updated docs to reflect dependency change

0.1.6  Thu May 31 17:54:39 PDT 2007
	fixed 'errors' method calls in

0.1.5  Thu May 31 11:15:52 PDT 2007
	**** API Change in ****
	  log_debug and log_error are no more. log_string is.
	applied patch to add FBML methods RT#27351 (thanks Tom)
	throw_errors flag wasn't being used, and now is (thanks Clayton)
	autogenerated namespaces in  (saves typing :-)

0.1.4  Wed May 30 06:16:35 PDT 2007
	update docs
	fixed signature generation bug (thanks Shawn) and added test

0.1.3  Tue May 29 19:21:23 PDT 2007
	updated docs to have profile and feed

0.1.2  Tue May 29 13:37:23 PDT 2007
	listened to wisdom and fixed test dependency problem RT#27305
          (thanks Sean)
	added 'format' attribute to Base
	returns JSON (raw response) if specified
	reworked logic for fixing quotes hash refs
	changed POST to GET for Login->login
	moved most of 'simple' logic into Base
	fixed error catching code in Base->call
	added private method _make_xml_for to create xml if specified
	changed debugging output to just print raw response
	made calls in different sub-modules a lot simpler

0.1.1  Mon May 28 22:07:01 PDT 2007
	added profile.* and feed.* methods of API
	added logout method under Auth
	updated example to use logout method
	added debugging information
	added two load tests
	hash refs under quotes (none which should be refs) are now removed

0.1.0  Mon May 28 07:48:50 PDT 2007
	slightly changed how to check for errors
	updated docs

0.0.9  Mon May 28 06:53:17 PDT 2007
	changed from GET to POST for dealing with REST server, since it appears
	  that FB is more strict now about what kind of connection it expects
	  (thanks to Shawn Van Ittersum for the tip)
	fixed test dependency problem RT#27305
	removed URI::Escape from dependency list
	updated copyright

0.0.8  Sat May  5 11:22:27 PDT 2007
	doc coverage and perl-critic tests no longer packaged

0.0.7  Fri May  4 10:08:07 PDT 2007
	doc cleanup

0.0.6  Thu May  3 04:42:22 PDT 2007
	lots of changes to make module to match API 1.0
	added Simple interface
	removed tests that were not longer useful

0.0.5  Sun Nov  5 00:57:05 2006
         updated module to match API:
           changed documentation
         added tests:

0.0.4  Sat Nov  4 20:57:47 2006
         updated module to match API:
           added friends.getAppUsers
           added friends.getRequests
         fixed some documentation typos
         clarified some documentation

0.0.3  Sat Sep 16 14:32:27 2006
        Added friends->get_app_users, which was added to the official
            Facebook API

0.0.2  Sat Sep 16 13:00:24 2006
        Initial release.
        Added more tests
        Changed module structure slightly
            - Client/Auth/ -> Client/

0.0.1  Mon Aug 21 13:09:11 2006
        Initial development.