0.1.16	2012-11-06
	* Fix from fayland for boken merge

0.1.15	2012-11-05
	* Added patches from fayland (fixed: no cache when undef result)
	* Implemented consitent read attribute in batch_get_item()

0.1.14	2012-10-10
	* Enable process_all parameter for batch_get_item

0.1.13	2012-05-06
	* Overwrite argument for "max_retries" in main operations

0.1.11	2012-04-23
	* Included Amazons new BatchWriteItem operation

0.1.9	2012-03-18
	* Typo in credentials error handling

0.1.8	2012-03-18
	* Check expiration of credentials
	* Added DateTime modules to build requirements

0.1.7	2012-03-17
	* Handle error in fetching credentials
	* Added LWP::Protocol::https to build requirements

0.1.5	2012-03-14
	* Can now retry requests, if limit exceeded
	* Can now iterate through query/scan results automatically to retreive all "pages"

0.1.4	2012-03-11
	* Improvided error handling