Revision history for Perl extension Tk::JThumbnail.
2.00 Thu Mar 21 19:48:37 2019
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-X -n Tk::JThumbnail
Started with v2.0 since we're both a fork and a continuation of
2.01 Sun Mar 24, 2019
- Fix segfault if clear() called followed by configure(-images => \@files).
- Touch up the docs a bit.
- Include proper license files.
2.1 Thu Mar 19, 2020
- (Hopefully) FIX all remaining SegFaults on bad/non image files.
- Fix some selection-issues.
- Add default bindings for <space> and <Shift-space> to make work
like <Button-1> and <Shift-Button-1>.
- Add selectionIncludes() and selectionAnchor() functions to match
those found in Tk::*MListbox widgets.
- Add Balloon option (-iballoons => 1|0) to specify show popup balloons
showing the file-name when mousing over an image.
- Add -iborder, -ihighlightthickness, -irelief, -iactiverelief, and
-ianchor options to specify the border, relief, etc. values for the
icon buttons.
- Add -iwrap option (-iwrap => -1,0,1,2,3,4,64..., default -1) to cause
the text labels to be wrapped (requires -ilabels => 1(true)).
-1 (default) - no wrapping, 0 - calculate sensible default, 1-4: wrap
width is 1x..4x the icon width, 64+:set the wrap width to that many
pixels. 5-63: set wrap to 64 pixels.
- Add -font option to specify the font to use. Default is the
proportional sans font selected by Perl/Tk.
- Add "-state" option, can be either "normal" or "disabled":
(In other words add ability to disable the entire widget).
- Add a '-1' option value to the -columns parameter to have
JThumbnail calculate the number of columns based on the window-size
and the widths of the icon buttons (including wrapped file-name
text labels, if -ilabels => 1(true) specified such that the window is
filled horizontally without the need for horizontal scrolling.
(NOTE: -iwidth => (>0), and either -iwrap => (>=0) or -ilabels => 0
must also be specified for this to work!
- Properly initialize anchor and selecting/deselecting mode for more
consistant multi-selecting/deselecting.
- Enable drag-selecting to scroll the visible window!
- Make the "default" (-command => undef) mouse-button down function
work more user-friendly when selecting/deselecting.
- Misc. code cleanups.
- Fix index() function not accepting integer values, namely zero (0)
(like *Listbox modules) as raw zero-based indices into the list.
- Also added decimal numbers to allow for specifying specific zero-based
row.column indices, which will return the equivalent raw index# for a
specific item. Bounds checking is done in both cases.