Revision history for Perl extension Config::Yacp.

1.00  Fri Mar 21 15:42:50 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
		-AXn Config::Yacp

1.10  Tue Apr 1 15:35:18 2003
	- Added the following functions
		- add_section
		- add_parameter
		- set_value
		- del_section
		- del_parameter
		- save_ini

	- Implemented basic file locking on the new function

	- Wrote additional tests to test new and old functions

1.12  Fri Apr 11 15:10:37 2003
	- Discovered a small bug within the save_ini function and
	  corrected it.

1.15  Tue Jun  3 12:14:44 2003
	- The .ini file can now include arguments with the parameters
	  as long as the comments start with either a semi-colon (;)
	  or a pound sign (#)
		- Rewrote the grammar for P::RD to correctly parse
		  the .ini file
		- Added the deparse function to change the output of
		  P::RD from an AoAoA to a HoHoA

	- Added the following functions:
		- add_comment
		- set_comment
		- get_marker
		- del_comment

	- Changed the other functions to work with the new
	  data structure

	- Wrote additional tests for the new functions