Revision history for App-RecordStream-Bio
0.10 2014-06-04 17:24:18 PDT
- Declare dependency on BioPerl
0.09 2014-06-04 16:18:36 PDT
- recs-tofasta: Avoid extra blank lines after sequences without any bases
- Comprehensive tests for fromfasta and tofasta
0.08 2014-05-27 15:48:45 PDT
- recs-fromfasta: Strip leading/trailing spaces from sequence names
0.07 2014-05-01 17:12:33 PDT
- Bug fix: recs-fromfasta with --filename-key produced incorrect results
for the last sequence in a file when using multiple input files.
0.06 2014-04-08 18:06:48 PDT
- Add a --passthru option to recs-tofasta to skip nucleotide formatting
0.05 2014-03-31 12:25:47 PDT
- Correct minimum Perl version to 5.10 to support \h
0.04 2014-03-28 15:11:57 PDT
- Added --width N and --oneline options for recs-tofasta to control
0.03 2014-03-28 10:59:11 PDT
- Added example of recs-tofasta to primary dist doc
0.02 2014-03-28 10:55:29 PDT
- BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: recs-fromfasta now splits the sequence
name into id and description on the first space. If you were previously
using the "id" key, you'll want to start using the "name" key. I doubt
anyone is using this but me, though. :)
- Added recs-tofasta for a quick way to get fasta back out after munging,
filtering, etc.
0.01 2014-03-25 17:53:25 PDT
- Initial release