Revision history for C and Perl extension of nfdump.

1.08 2015-05-27
	- c: doc update 
	- c: EXPERIMENTAL very early stage of new filter code independent of the 
	     original nfdump filter code. New function lnf_filter_init_v1 or 
	     lnf_filter_init_v2 is used to initialize either old (nfdump) or 
	     new (libnf) filter. By default lnf_filter_init calls the old 
	     one filter. 
	- c: new error code LNF_ERR_OTHER_MSG for errors where lnf_error buffer is set 
	- c: _LIBNF_H macro added in the libnf.h file 
	- c: new function lnf_mem_read_reset - set cursor to first record 
	- c: nfdumpp uses by default only 70% of available threads 
	- c: nfdumpp checks -O option 
	- c: removed bug - libnf fails after attempt to read empty lnf_mem 
	- c: removed memory leak in original nfdump in LZO 
	- c: initial number of buckets in hash table increased to 500000
	- c: new functions lnf_mem_read_raw, lnf_mem_write_raw added
	- c: examples/lnf_ex06_readreset added
	- c: examples/lnf_ex05_memtrans added
	- c: examples/lnf_ex04_threads option -n added 
	- c: bug in bpd and pps calculation 
	- perl: removed memory leak in perl API (Bug #104294)
	- perl: nfasnupd accepts -c <file> with additional prefix database 

1.07 2015-03-17
	- c: nfdumpp utility added
	- c: added calculated items - duration, bps, pps, bpp
	- c: lnf_fld_info added 
	- c: lnf_fld_parse added 
	- c: lnf_mem_fastaggr added
	- c: lnf_info extended
	- c: performance update (15-20%)
	- c: thread support for filter operations (not released to public)
	- perl: static library removed from build tree (Bug #101544) 
	- perl: nf_asn_geo_update and download_asn_db removed
	- perl: bin/nfasnupd - ASn updater added (replacement for nf_asn_geo_update)
	- perl: doc update 

1.06 2014-12-06
	- c: lnf_rec_fget lnf_rec_fset performance update (15%)
	- c: added src/fields.c,h - code related to fields is now separated 
	- perl: build system update 

1.05 2014-12-05
	- c: build system update 
	- c: added --enable-threads for thread support; disabled by default
	- c: flex, bison is not needed for building 
	- c: adjusted to nfdump 1.6.13

1.04 2014-11-17
	- perl: added example examples/ 
	- perl: added test 08-aggreg-sort.t 
	- perl: aggregation and sorting added into 
	  Net::NfDump (Aggreg => 1 and SortBy => <field> attributes)
	- c: lnf_field_t structure extended with default sort and 
	  aggregation order 
	- c: added example lnf_ex04_threads.c 
	- c: threads support added for paralel processing flow 
	  records in aggregation. Code not released for public,
	  the public version works properly only in sigle 
	  thread enviroment.
	- c: added example lnf_ex03_aggreg.c 
	- c: added lnf_mem object with aggregation and sorting capability 
	- c: lnf_rec_fget, lnf_rec_fset incerased prtformance (30%) 
	  Thanks to Vasek Bartos.

1.03 2014-06-23
	- c: headers includes in the examples
	- c: code preparation for aggregation and sorting
	- perl: test for pure read withour record processing (-G)

1.02 2014-06-18
	- c: added structure lnf_brec1_t containing most commonly used records 
	- c: examples updated to use lnf_brec1_t
	- c: examples updated to be usable for benchmarking 
	- perl: updated build system (more resistant)
	- perl: benchmarking of c code added as the part of perl testing 

1.01 2014-06-15
	- source code strcitly separated into autonomous 
	  package (libnf-xxx, universal C API) and perl 
	  Net::NfDump module that is placed on top of the C API
	- resedigned build system 
	- prepared for new features (aggregation, sorting, ...) 
	- changes inspired by Vasek Bartos and his libnfdump code 

0.14 2014-04-24
	- examples updated to use last version of Net::IP::LPM

0.13 2014-04-20
	- adjusted to nfdump 1.6.12
	- support for new record type introdouced by nfdump 1.6.12
	- transparently reads record types from previous nfdump 
	- created files are always with the new record type 
	- !! files created by this version mus be read by nfdump >= 1.6.12
	- support for new fields (ingress_vrfid, egress_vrfid, event_flag
	  block_start, block_end, block_step, block_size)
	- flow_start item changed to event_time 
	- fw_event removed (use fw_xevent instead) 
	- doc extended with info about aggregation 

0.11 2013-11-26
	- adjusted to nfdump 1.6.11

0.10 2013-09-12
	- decreased test length 

0.09 2013-08-13
	- adjusted to nfdump 1.6.10p1

0.08 2013-06-06
	- removed bug in TimeWindowStart, thanks to Pavel Sejnoha

0.07 2013-05-21
	- removed bug in examples, thanks to James Deaton 
	- updated to nfdump 1.6.10

0.05 2013-05-03
	- language corrections

0.05 2013-03-16
	- silently skip known (but not supported) blocks 
	- example added (update AS info)

0.04 2013-03-03
	- the first stable version 

0.03_02 2013-03-03
	- the version of nfdump updated to 1.6.9

0.03_01 2013-02-28
	- NEL, NSEL support added 
	- a few bugs removed

0.02_05 2013-02-26
	- added 
	- documenation updated 

0.02_04 2013-02-24
	- a few bugs removed 
	- clonerow added 
	- InputFiles and Fields can by handled as a reference to list or comma separated list 

0.02_01 2013-02-11
	- hasharray functions added
	- performance optimalisation (4x faster) 

0.01_06 2013-01-20
	- nfdump source codes added into distribution 
	- fixes for libnf on OpenBSD apllied

0.01_04 2013-01-15
	- extra compilation of nfdump utility 

0.01_04 2013-01-14
	- removed dependency on lex/flex during compilation 

0.01_03  2013-01-12
	- fixes for multiplaform compilation 

0.01_02  2013-01-10 
	- documentation update 

0.01_01  2012-11-30 
	- initial version