Revision history for Perl extension SNMP::Trapinfo
1.01 2008-02-15
Add access to 'localtime()' function
1.0 2007-03-20
If there is more than one trap, you have to use the marker "#---next trap---#\n" between them -
this does not affect data from snmptrapd as that only sends one trap at a time.
The marker is required because some traps have embedded linefeeds in the value. This module will
only read the portion that is on the same line as the key and ignore the rest (unless it
happens to look like a valid line).
0.92 2006-12-14
Added safe $trap->eval using module (Rob Moss)
Operators allowed inside of the eval function are as follows:
:base_core :base_mem :base_loop print sprintf prtf padsv padav padhv padany
In summary:
Any logic, string/integer comparison, regex and print functions will work
Any other operator, such as open() exec() unlink() will be denied and the reason given in $@
0.91 2006-09-13
Small fix for regexp for hide_passwords
Fix to allow . in the macro names
Allow * in the macro names as a wildcard for a value between dots
New method: eval. Expands string and then evals it. Useful for perl-syntax rules
0.90 2006-04-19
Version number format changed for CPAN
0.8.3 2006-04-06
Warning: Trailing linefeeds are removed from $trap->packet. Needed for
Can read multiple packets from STDIN
Can request to hide sensitive information from packet
0.8.2 2006-03-20
Updated documentation based on advice from Brand Hilton.
$trap->trapname returns undef if no snmpTrapOID found
0.8.1 2006-03-16
Net-SNMP 5.2.1 puts extra information around the IP information on line 2
Parses this correctly now. ${P2} will return the entire line
Added ${HOSTIP} macro that will strip to just the IP
0.8 Mon Mar 6 15:56:43 2006
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-X -n SNMP::Trapinfo