Revision history for Perl extension SNMP::Trapinfo

0.92  2006-12-14
	Added safe $trap->eval using module (Rob Moss)
	Operators allowed inside of the eval function are as follows:
	:base_core :base_mem :base_loop print sprintf prtf padsv padav padhv padany
	In summary:
	Any logic, string/integer comparison, regex and print functions will work
	Any other operator, such as open() exec() unlink() will be denied and the reason given in $@

0.91  2006-09-13
	Small fix for regexp for hide_passwords
	Fix to allow . in the macro names
	Allow * in the macro names as a wildcard for a value between dots
	New method: eval. Expands string and then evals it. Useful for perl-syntax rules

0.90  2006-04-19
	Version number format changed for CPAN

0.8.3 2006-04-06
	Warning: Trailing linefeeds are removed from $trap->packet. Needed for
	Can read multiple packets from STDIN
	Can request to hide sensitive information from packet

0.8.2 2006-03-20
	Updated documentation based on advice from Brand Hilton.
	$trap->trapname returns undef if no snmpTrapOID found

0.8.1 2006-03-16
	Net-SNMP 5.2.1 puts extra information around the IP information on line 2
	Parses this correctly now. ${P2} will return the entire line
	Added ${HOSTIP} macro that will strip to just the IP

0.8  Mon Mar  6 15:56:43 2006
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-X -n SNMP::Trapinfo