Revision history for Perl extension Text-Markdown-Hoedown

1.02 2017-08-12T03:04:42Z

    - updaete to hoedown3(Taeril)

1.01 2013-11-24T10:17:40Z

    - Fixed memory allocation related bug.
      (It affects under the -Dusemymalloc=y environments)
      (supported by bingos++)

1.00 2013-11-20T11:38:19Z

    - Switch to hoedown 2.0.0.
      Modified low level APIs. If you are using undocumented low level APIs,
      your application may not work correctly!

0.07 2013-10-02T00:38:28Z

    - Documented low level API.

0.06 2013-10-01T13:11:59Z

    - set __USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=1 to let vsnprintf in mingw
    - specify the correct ret value.

0.05 2013-10-01T02:15:31Z

    - MSVC fix comes from hoedown upstream.
      (Reported by charsbar++)

0.04 2013-09-30T11:03:15Z

    - CONST() macro conflict with MinGW.
      (reported by mattn++)

0.03 2013-09-30T09:19:31Z

    - Custom handler support(Not documented yet).

0.02 2013-09-28T09:53:42Z

    [Incompatible Changes]
    - All APIs are modified!
    - Constants are exported.
    - Supported TOC!

0.01 2013-09-28T02:45:39Z

    - original version