Revision history for Perl module Test::TCP

2.12 2015-05-18T08:14:30Z

    - Fixed spelling mistake
      (Reported by gregor herrmann)

2.11 2015-04-07T00:07:25Z
    - declare IO::Socket::IP as dependency #36

2.10 2015-04-06T19:23:43Z
    - ensure the test object is DESTROYed when Net::EmptyPort::empty_port exits

2.09 2015-04-02T21:55:18Z
    - fix tests running for a long time on systems that do not support IPv6 #35

2.08 2015-04-02T04:04:33Z
    - add `host` argument to various functions for binding to arbitrary address (incl. IPv6) #33
    - add function `Net::EmptyPort::can_bind` #34

2.07 2015-01-22T10:44:21Z

    Old versions of Test::SharedFork are incompatibles with the new Test::Builder: I had "missing TB2::History" errors.
    It would be helpful to upgrade the Test::SharedFork dependency to help the user to avoid to encounter such hard to track deep errors.
    (Reported by dolmen++)

2.06 2014-07-01T10:01:44Z

    commit 8259d5eb28919bc766c8b500151d5be7e944b7f2
    Author: Petr Písař <>
    Date:   Fri Jun 27 13:37:20 2014 +0200

        Wait infinitely if max_wait is negative

        The t/12_pass_wait_port_options.t will fail if the server process does not
        start listening in max_wait limit. This can happen if the host is
        loaded or just if the scheduler decides to postpone the process.

        This patch adds possibility to wait infitely by passing a negative
        max_wait value to the Test::TCP object and it changes the
        t/12_pass_wait_port_options.t test to use this feature.
        Signed-off-by: Petr Písař <>

2.05 2014-06-24T00:49:45Z

    - Release again with latest minil.

2.04 2014-06-23T23:42:28Z

    - Release.

2.03_02 2014-06-23T23:37:07Z

    - Release to CPAN.

2.03_01 2014-06-23T23:34:38Z

    - Switch to ExtUtils::MakeMaker.

2.03 2014-06-23T10:18:53Z

    - Re-packaging with Minilla v2.0.0-TRIAL

2.02 2013-10-30T03:22:39Z

    - Fixed fork(2) error handling.

2.01 2013-09-22T04:13:53Z

    [Changes from MITHALDU (Christian Walde)]
    - test waitport argument by running full code-chain, not with partial mocking
    - The partial mocks cause stuck forks on win32 at times, causing the test to
      hang. With the full code chain present the test runs reliably

2.00 2013-06-11T04:41:43Z

    - Change wait_port() API to take max_wait seconds, and wait exponentially.
      Dropped wait_port_retry argument introduced at 1.27.

1.30 2013-06-03T05:06:28Z

    - Increase the default sleep and retry: 0.01 sec and 1000 times

1.29 2013-05-29T01:12:47Z

    - Care the `test_tcp(port => undef)` case.

1.28 2013-05-28T11:14:27Z

    - Added wait_port_sleep and wait_port_retry option for
      Test::TCP::wait_port, Test::TCP#new, test_tcp().

1.27 2013-05-15T10:13:18Z

    - export wait_port from Net::EmptyPort
      (Pavel Shaydo)
    - Make default wait_port() sleeping time shorter.
      0.1sec => 0.0001sec.

1.26 2013-03-29T08:46:20Z

    - Remove unused deps from cpanfile.

1.25 2013-03-29T08:07:24Z

    - re packaging, again & again

1.24 2013-03-28T02:49:32Z

    - re-packing, again.

1.23 2013-03-27T01:37:08Z

    - Just re-packaging

1.22 2013-03-27T01:17:38Z

    - Add doc for Test::TCP::CheckPort
      (Tatsuhiko Miyagawa)
    - revert b4fc237697648234c960f6714d995210d4250e42 to fix Win32 breakage
      Test::TCP::CheckPort must be used on win32 because it prints to STDOUT
      (Christian Walde)
    - Add UDP support to Net::EmptyPort
      (Brendan Byrd)

1.21 2013-03-03T12:33:49

    - Added Net::EmptyPort::wait_port()

1.20 2013-03-02T18:30:25

    - bump up version

1.19 2013-02-27T14:02:13

    - Split empty_port() function to Net::EmptyPort
      (Thomas Klausner)

1.18 2012-10-25

    - Added more documentation about empty_port()

1.17 2012-07-27

    [Changes from MITHALDU (Christian Walde)]

    - fix port checking on Win32 by performing it in another process
    - On Win32 fork is emulating by creating another thread in the same process.
      This leads to a possible bug/race condition when a server tries to open a
      port and listen on it, while in the same process a client tries to connect
      to the same port. This manifests by the accept call of the server failing
      with an error of "Bad file descriptor".

      This is easily fixed by having another process perform the port checking,
      since that will not interfere with the internals.

1.16 2012-06-30

    [TEST FIX]
    - 1.15 breaks AIX fix on 1.14.
      t/05_sigint.t skips on perl <= 5.8.8.

1.15 2012-01-31

    [TEST FIX]
    - ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE} is only available in perl 5.8.9 and later.

1.14 2011-11-29

    - Fixed testing issue on AIX.
    - depend to Test::SharedFork 0.19 for better TB2 support

1.13 2011-05-31

    - RT#67292: Tests are blocking in Windows 7.
    - change port number range from 10000 .. 11000 to 50000 .. 60000 to respect IANA.

1.12 2011-03-03

    - workaround for win32 test fails.
    - more diagnostic messages

1.11 2010-12-20

    - localize $@ in Test::TCP::DESTROY

1.10 2010-12-18

    - added Test::TCP->stop method

1.09 2010-12-18

    - added document in FAQ section

1.08 2010-12-16

    - no feature changes

1.07_01 2010-12-16

    - new OO interface!

1.07 2010-11-11

    - allow forking in the client(lestrrat)

1.06 2010-09-11

    - depend to Test::SharedFork 0.14. It fixes issue with Test::Builder2.

1.05 2010-09-10

    - workaround for $@ issue in test case.
      Data::Util's method modifier clears $@.

1.04 2010-08-24

    - fixed local $@ issue. this happens on some version of perl5.

1.03 2010-08-23

    - release to cpan
    - fixed win32 issue(charsbar)

1.02_02 2010-08-23

    - use randomness on finding empty port(suggested by kazuhooku)
    - try to connect the port before bind(Tatsuhiko Miyagawa)

1.02_01 2010-08-23

    - better cleanup code by RAII pattern.
      (reported by dgl)

1.02 2010-08-17

    - lazy loading issue was fixed at Test::SharedFork 0.12.
      Depend to it.
      (reported by J.)

1.01 2010-08-15

    - remove unused deps for use_test_base().

1.00 2010-08-08

    - bump up version!

0.16_02 2010-02-20

    - oops. packaging miss.

0.16_01 2010-02-20

    - Do not depend to IO::Socket::INET 1.31.
      Test::TCP works well with older IO, I hope.
      (suggested by mst)

0.16 2010-01-04

    - check port asap(suggested by Hideki YAMAMURA)

0.15 2009-11-28

    - fixed win32 issue(by charsbar++)

0.14 2009-10-18

    - support win32

0.13 2009-10-14

    - handle sigint(reported by kazuho++)

0.12 2009-10-04

    - fixed broken test on solaris

0.11 2009-09-17

    - fixed broken test, reported by drangon3++

0.10 2009-09-17

    - don't leak the process when get a SIGDIE
    - diag when get SIGPIPE

0.09 2009-09-15

    - don't leak the control by SIGTERM, some tcp server return the control by SIGTERM.
      (reported by kazuho++)

0.08 2009-09-14

    - oops. I forget to remove 'use Params::Validate' statement.

0.07 2009-09-13

    - diag when get a SIGABRT

0.06 2009-09-08

    - pass the pid to client(kazuho)
    - remove deps for Params::Validate(tokuhirom)

0.05 2009-06-22

    - updated docs
    - set ReuseAddr as true

0.04 2009-03-25

    - Test::SharedFork 0.03 has a bug. depend to 0.04

0.03 2009-03-25

    - do not depend to Sub::Exporter
    - use Test::SharedFork

0.02 2008-08-28

    - fixed deps for Sub::Exporter(by yappo++)

0.01 2008-08-17
    - original version