Revision history for Perl module Smart::Args
0.13 2016-06-23T13:26:46Z
- support 'does'
0.12 2013-11-21T01:22:21Z
- Fixed a bug in test case.
0.11 2013-11-20T04:43:18Z
- minil migrate
0.10 2011-05-17
[better dist]
- depend to latest Mouse, PadWalker, Exporter.
- better M::I
- depend to Perl 5.8
0.09 2011-01-18
- better error message with Carp::confess
0.08 2010-12-28
- added 'args_pos' function
0.07 2010-12-24
- fixed deps in testing
0.06 2010-11-08
- Fix carp level to report warnings in the caller's context (gfx)
- remove testing dependencies for Test::Exception
0.05 2010-11-08
- Unknown parameter names are now warned (gfx)
- Fix a typo in SYNOPSIS (@syohex)
0.04 2010-11-07
- Invocants can have type rules (gfx):
e.g. args my $class => 'ClassName';
and args my $self => 'Object';
- Types can be a type constraint object of both Mouse and Moose (gfx):
my $MyInt = subtype 'MyInt', as 'Int';
args my $foo => $MyInt; # OK
- If a type has a coercion, it is automatically applied (gfx)
- Performance are improved, esp. where no type rules are specified (gfx)
0.03 2010-07-15
- renamed package from to Smart::Args.
(thanks to mst++, gfx++)
0.02 2010-0-13
- fixed various testing issue
- depend to latest Mouse
- depend to latest PadWalker
0.01_02 2009-09-03
- Types becomes optional: args my $x, my $y => 'Str'; # $x can be anything but required(gfx)
- Parameterized types are allowd; args my $x => "ArrayRef[Int]";(gfx)
0.01_01 2009-09-02
- original version