1.20  Thu May 14 20:50:02 PDT 2015
    - Updated to support metadata handling feature in RPC::ExtDirect 3.20+

1.01  Fri Jun 20 20:51:34 2014
    - Better compatibility with CGI.pm < 3.36
    - Test scripts will clean %ENV to avoid connecting to proxies
    - Minor fixes

1.00  Thu Jun 12 21:32:00 2014
    - Updated to accommodate for the changes in RPC::ExtDirect 3.0 and
      CGI::ExtDirect 3.0
    - maybe_start_server for @ARGV handling, and other helpful stuff
    - Many bug fixes and improvements
    - Tons of documentation added
    - More tests that use HTTP::Tiny now instead of WWW::Mechanize
    - Most of the dependencies made optional

0.01  Wed Jun 20 10:42:25 2012
	- original version; code works and tests pass but lacks documentation