Created: 2013-08-02
Home page: <https://metacpan.org/release/Types-ReadOnly>
Bug tracker: <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=Types-ReadOnly>
Maintainer: Toby Inkster (TOBYINK) <tobyink@cpan.org>
0.003 2019-11-12 Fresh start
- Internal changes to Type::Tiny broke this ages ago. But luckily many of
the newer features of Type::Tiny allow Types::ReadOnly to be implemented
with far less hacky code.
0.002 2013-11-04
- Cope with upcoming changes to Dict in Types::Standard.
0.001 2013-08-27 Initial public release
0.000_04 2013-08-07
[ Packaging ]
- Tests for some more complex combinations of types.
0.000_03 2013-08-06
[ Packaging ]
- Include test using Types::ReadOnly with Moo.
- Include test using Types::ReadOnly with Moose.
- Include test using Types::ReadOnly with Mouse.
- Include test using Types::ReadOnly with Type::Params.
0.000_02 2013-08-06
- The version of Hash::Util bundled with pre-5.18 Perls is crap;
workarounds aplenty!
0.000_01 2013-08-06 Developer preview