
Created:      2014-04-20
Home page:    <>
Bug tracker:  <>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster (TOBYINK) <>

0.905	2014-05-07

 - Updated: Perl 5.26 compatibility.

0.904	2014-10-05

 [ Packaging ]
 - Add 'test suggests' dep on Moops.
 - Fix META.json problems by building with newer Dist::Inkt.

0.903	2014-08-13

 [ Documentation ]
 - Better document Devel::StrictMode usage.

0.902	2014-08-13	First stable release

 - Refer to Devel::StrictMode for a decision on whether to arm ourself.

0.900_02	2014-04-22

 - Use Exporter::Tiny, which will provide a decent framework for adding
   more features in the future.

0.900_01	2014-04-22

 - Extend PerlX::Assert::Keyword support to Perl 5.12.x.

0.900_00	2014-04-21	Experimental split from Moops

 - Includes PerlX::Assert::DD which extends support to older versions of
   Perl, albeit with slightly dodgy parsing.