
Created:      2012-06-28
Home page:    <https://metacpan.org/release/P5U>
Bug tracker:  <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=P5U>

0.100  2013-05-24

 - (Addition) whois command in verbose mode now shows a list of a user's
   most popular distributions
 - (Update) Switch from MooX::Types::MooseLike to Types::Standard
 - (Update) Switch from Path::Class and Path::Class::Rule to Path::Tiny and
 - (Update) Switch from smartmatch to match::simple and match::smart

0.007  2012-10-23  # Skyfall

 - (Bugix) Fix for P5U::Command::Testers.
   ++"Mateu X Hunter"

0.006  2012-10-06

 - use MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base

0.005  2012-10-03

 - (Update) Switch from Any::Moose to Moo.

0.004  2012-07-03

 - (Bugfix) Debian package list regexp bugfix.

0.003  2012-07-03

 - (Bugfix Documentation) Fix a few abstracts.
 - (Bugfix) Fix 'bin/p5u' for Perl < 5.14.

0.002  2012-07-01

 - (Addition) 'whois' command.
 - (Documentation) Lots and lots of documentation.

0.001  2012-06-29  # Initial release