
Created:      2013-07-09
Home page:    <>
Bug tracker:  <>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster (TOBYINK) <>

0.006	2013-09-30

 [ Documentation ]
 - Include image in documentation.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Use Dist::Inkt.

 [ Other ]
 - Updated: Use Exporter::Tiny instead of Exporter::TypeTiny.

0.005	2013-07-12

 - Switch off index section in PodView.
   Dmitry Karasik++

0.004	2013-07-11

 - Make window resizable, and allow the split between the two panels to be
   dragged across.
   Dmitry Karasik++
 - Remove useless [-] icons from leaf nodes in outline.
   Dmitry Karasik++

0.003	2013-07-10

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Array indices count from $[, not 1.
 - Quote hash keys when necessary.

 [ Other ]
 - Added: Include size of references using Devel::Size.
 - Added: Show key count for hashes, and bucket count.
 - Added: Show length of arrays.
 - Dereference SCALAR refs in outline.

0.002	2013-07-09

 - Added: Reply::Plugin::ddGUI

0.001	2013-07-09	Initial release