
Created:      2012-02-02
Home page:    <>
Bug tracker:  <>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster (TOBYINK) <>

0.009	2014-09-13

 - A bunch of refactoring common stuff into Crypt::XkcdPassword::Words,
   which is a role that must now be consumed by word list classes.
 - Added: Crypt::XkcdPassword::Words::sys
   Matt S Trout++
 - The `passphrase` tool can now generate more than one phrase per
 - The `words` attribute is now a blessed object, not a class name.

0.008	2014-09-13

 [ Packaging ]
 - Fix issue tracker metadata so that 'NOBODY' doesn't show up in CREDITS
   file for reporting some bugs.

0.007	2014-09-10

 - Added: Bundle `passphrase` command-line tool.
 - Don't depend on Role::Commons.
 - General tidying.
 - Support for Perl 5.8.

0.006	2014-09-10

 [ Packaging ]
 - Switch to Dist::Inkt.

0.005	2013-05-21

 - Any::Moose -> Moo + Types::Standard; smartmatch -> match::smart;
   Class::Load -> Module::Runtime.

0.004	2012-07-06

 - Added: EN::Roget word list.
 - Switch from Moo to Any::Moose.

0.003	2012-03-06

 [ Documentation ]
 - Crypt::XkcdPassword::Examples

 [ Packaging ]
 - Require Perl 5.10.1 (Unicode in 5.10.0 is too broken).

 [ Other ]
 - Added: Provide a $filter parameter to make_password.
   Fixes RT#74684.
   Fixes RT#74685.

0.002	2012-02-03

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Forgot to run mo-inline in 0.001, creating an undeclared dependency on
   Mo. Have switched to Moo now anyway, and declared that as a dependency.

0.001	2012-02-02	Initial release