Revision history for Perl extension Geo::Coordinates::OSGB

0.01  Fri Mar  2 19:05:50 2001
        - original version; created by h2xs 1.19

1.02  November 13, 2002
        - No changes to code, just tidied the documentation

1.03  18 December 2002
        - changed name for CPAN release
        - improved ll2grid function
        - new ll2map and map2ll functions

1.04  29 September 2004

        - corrected a bug in grid2ll, where long/lat values with
          0 degrees were always printed as positive in scalar form
          The problem was that -1 * 0 = +0 in Perl (as is says in
          book somewhere).

        - added simple script to provide command line coordinate

        - actually implemented the long-promised map2ll and ll2map functions
          as well as map2grid and grid2map for completeness.  With these functions
          you can convert to and from coordinates in a more useable form, such
          as "OS Sheet 43; 875123".

        - added a demonstration script --- --- which will produce
          a pretty index of the Landranger maps, showing the GB coast line and the
          large grid squares.  The output is in PostScript.  Use GhostScript to process
          it.  A PDF version of the output is also included.

        - added a useful file with all the names and other details of the Landranger Sheets

1.05 29 March 2005

       - Not released

1.06 16 May 2005

       - general clean up

       - made the format and parse routines external to avoid spaghetti connections

       - added support for grid references in GPS format (eg TQ 32342 24312)